Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pass it Down DJ Wade-O

Scripture: Psalm 103:18 (New Living Translation)
Let this be recorded for future generations, so that a people not yet born will praise the Lord.

I always find it interesting when I watch a movie that contains a scene in which a parent gives a child a necklace or some other piece of jewelry that has been in the family for generations. The parent will tell the child that the item has been in the family for “200 years” and it gets passed down when the next generation comes of age. The child usually becomes over taken with emotion, because they understand the responsibility that comes from taking care of the item being passed down.

Think if we shared our personal experiences with the Lord in a similar manner. Think of how much of a head start they would have in facing tough situations that may face them. Think of how many times Paul and the apostles quote the Old Testament. The Old Testament represented for them, the stories of his Jewish ancestors’ encounters with God.

I hear people talk a lot about how many people in the current generation didn’t grow up going to church or how many don’t know God. And I think that at some point, we failed in passing along our testimonies and experiences with the Lord. If they were told about the Gospel and why Jesus came, at least they’d know right? I came across this passage this morning, it made me think: “What am I doing to make sure that future generations will be able to praise God in part based on what God did in my life?” I pray that this passage challenges you to do the same.

Grace and Peace,

Upcoming Events
- Mon - Sat. (10:00 - 10:30 AM EST), WBGX Chicago, Music & Ministry Co-Host, Listen Live: www.gospel1570.com
- Every Sunday: TN2T Service, Metropolitan Baptist Church Newark, NJ 11:30 AM www.mbcyaya.com
- 12/21: Concert @ Abyssinian Baptist Church Harlem, NY 7PM (DJ for Oppose)
- 12/22: Phase One of the Holy Hip Hop Gospel Explosion New Brunswick, NJ 1 PM and 7 PM (DJ for both Events)

It's More than Music...It's Ministry!
The Wade-O Radio Show: http://www.myspace.com/wadeoradio
The Wade-O Mix Show: http://www.hcr.fm

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice article! If you're looking for some of the hip-hop referenced. Check out Sphere of Hip-Hop. God bless!
